Thursday, July 23, 2009


I really love lemon's smell. It's soooo fragrant. Heart melts. LOL.

Sounds like a pervert. Haha.

Okay. Back to main topic.

Today during recess i saw a cat fight. They quarrelled like no one business.

Everyone in the canteen was actually looking at them.

They are lower six some more.

C'mon lar. Show us some maturity. Scolding people prostitute or what so ever is so not cool.

I bet if the Latifah saw the scene she surely will feel proud because the oh-so-good SAB student is actually good in scolding people too!

Aiks. Today is such a boring day. Except after school time la.

New sofa!!!. But it seems to be too big size to put in the living room. LOL.

I don't want penilaian 2 and year-end exam! I'm suck in physics and sejarah. gonna die soon.

Alright. until here today.

Bye<3(poor englishT.T)

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