Wednesday, July 29, 2009


So today is the day. but somehow it was not as i expected.

Seriously. i'm kind of sad at first for not getting the post that i wanted and applied for but instead being chosen to be the ketua perkhemahan for sesi 09/10.

Nevertheless(wow!XD). i should be grateful right?

At least they gave me a post.

Congrats to those who got the post that they longing for.

I will do my very best in organizing our very own Ranger camp next year.

And i believe that shu ern and i will cooperate very well.

No matter how. We're still a team with great unity, aren't we?

Hope that each and everyone of you still remember what's the code between us.

This shall be today's post.


Thursday, July 23, 2009


I really love lemon's smell. It's soooo fragrant. Heart melts. LOL.

Sounds like a pervert. Haha.

Okay. Back to main topic.

Today during recess i saw a cat fight. They quarrelled like no one business.

Everyone in the canteen was actually looking at them.

They are lower six some more.

C'mon lar. Show us some maturity. Scolding people prostitute or what so ever is so not cool.

I bet if the Latifah saw the scene she surely will feel proud because the oh-so-good SAB student is actually good in scolding people too!

Aiks. Today is such a boring day. Except after school time la.

New sofa!!!. But it seems to be too big size to put in the living room. LOL.

I don't want penilaian 2 and year-end exam! I'm suck in physics and sejarah. gonna die soon.

Alright. until here today.

Bye<3(poor englishT.T)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

22/7 So tired man.

Just now went for a 2 hours 15 mins modern+add math tuition.zzz. I almost fishing over there.

I prefer mr.tan T.T

Oh yea.

Tomorrow my house will be having a new member. Haha.

Guess what?

It's a lorenzo new sofa. I can't wait for it man. I wanna be the first one who sits on the sofa. woot!


Ok. this is so random.

Today helped 'lao yen' in doing her exam. I hope we never ruin her oh-so-serious roll call. haha.

and we actually played infront of the gym

we act as zombie(to scare the mushroom head XD) sing like no one business dance like freako laugh like maniac talk as loud as we can =.=

but FYI all the taekwondo student is actually looking at us aka the whole bunch of weird green shirt OGRE(the shrek). hahahaha.

Kinda embarassing because we're 16 this year but we're so not mature. Paiseh la~ XD

Nowadays very busy. got lots of things need to do. Somebody save me~

Okay lar. gotta stop here.


Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I should be doing my homework now supposedly.

But why am i slacking around here??

Very lazy. Oh man.

What to do?

Oh yea. I have pindah my blog to here. Have nothing to do. (Actually i very lazy to do)

Decided to type in english.

Fast and convenient(typing in chinese is so not convenient sorry yea pin yin XD)

Last but not least,


can see what i type?. Haha.

This is my first post over here so please bear with my poor poor poorx100000 english.

Maaf ya.

Gtg. bye<3